”Okoshiyasu” means welcome in Kyoto Dialect KYOTO Chambers is the representative
night club of the city!!
This night club is the most visited in Kyoto by foreigners and tourists
from abroad!! You can comfortably recommend this club to your guests from
abroad.Staff who can speak English,Portuguese,and Spanish is always around.
歴史と文化の街、京都を代表する「音楽とファションが融合するクラブ」”KYOTO Chambers”!!
”Okoshiyasu” means welcome in Kyoto Dialect KYOTO Chambers is the representative night club of the city!!
This night club is the most visited in Kyoto by foreigners and tourists from abroad!! You can comfortably recommend this club to your guests from abroad.Staff who can speak English,Portuguese,and Spanish is always around.
京都市中京区河原町三条下ル山崎町236 六角テラスビル2F
TEL:075-204-6762 FAX:075-204-6762
Rokkakuterasu Bld.2F,236,Yamazakicho,Nakagyo-ku,kyoto-shi,Kyoto